the Scottish Pictures

the Scottish Pictures

Each card in the pack is an original photograph by Colin Baxter, Scotland's foremost landscape photographer. His reputation has been established through postcards, books and exhibitions of the work.

Year issued 1993
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A
2 spades 3 spades 4 spades 5 spades 6 spades 7 spades 8 spades 9 spades 10 spades Jack spades Queen spades King spades Ace spades
2 hearts 3 hearts 4 hearts 5 hearts 6 hearts 7 hearts 8 hearts 9 hearts 10 hearts Jack hearts Queen hearts King hearts Ace hearts
2 diamonds 3 diamonds 4 diamonds 5 diamonds 6 diamonds 7 diamonds 8 diamonds 9 diamonds 10 diamonds Jack diamonds Queen diamonds King diamonds Ace diamonds
2 clubs 3 clubs 4 clubs 5 clubs 6 clubs 7 clubs 8 clubs 9 clubs 10 clubs Jack clubs Queen clubs King clubs Ace clubs



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