Notable Black Women in American History

Notable Black Women in American History

The deck features 13 African-American women and explores their significant historical and cultural contribution.

There are 2 additional cards with general information about the women.

Brand U.S. Games Systems
Brand # BW55A
ISBN 1-57281-455-1
Year issued 2003
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A
2 spades 3 spades 4 spades 5 spades 6 spades 7 spades 8 spades 9 spades 10 spades Jack spades Queen spades King spades Ace spades
2 hearts 3 hearts 4 hearts 5 hearts 6 hearts 7 hearts 8 hearts 9 hearts 10 hearts Jack hearts Queen hearts King hearts Ace hearts
2 diamonds 3 diamonds 4 diamonds 5 diamonds 6 diamonds 7 diamonds 8 diamonds 9 diamonds 10 diamonds Jack diamonds Queen diamonds King diamonds Ace diamonds
2 clubs 3 clubs 4 clubs 5 clubs 6 clubs 7 clubs 8 clubs 9 clubs 10 clubs Jack clubs Queen clubs King clubs Ace clubs


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